We will start around 10am and finish when you are happy with the selection of photos taken.
This session will include four different headshots plus unlimited full length images of you in a variety of outfits for casting agencies.
Headshots & full length can be both studio and exterior so a variety of backgrounds and lighting with diferent necklines / tops, hair adjustments & make up to show you displaying attitude, younger, older, costume drama etc these will reflect your ability to play the parts Casting directors are looking for.
The full length body shots in your choice of outfits to show your range of charactors for those casting directors.
Pre shoot consultation as regards tops to bring, hair, make up advice, also thoughts and ideas for character changes.
Unlimited images taken.
Constant direction and encouragement.
Duration, as long as it takes.
Preview of images as we go.
Online password protected personal gallery to make your selection from.
Your choice of 12 images, I will adjust them in colour and black and white & supply them in high & low resolution.
All image adjustments to industry standard and for Casting agencies will be supplied in colour and at a lower resolution as stated in their own requirements.
Constant supply of tea or coffee and choc chip cookies ( my favourite!!)